New Residents

All residents - regardless of whether you are an owner, resident of any type, tenant, etc. must observe the rules and regulations of this community, in addition to laws.  

Particular violations we repeatedly see here are:  parking violations, trash bin violations and pet rules. 

For Emergency Services:  Closest intersection is Lee Avenue and Colonel Drive

Non-Emergency Police or Animal Protection:              804 501-5000
911 for emergencies, fire, EMS:         911

You may reach Hanover 911 if you can from a cell phone because Hanover is one mile behind us. That is no trouble, tell them you need Henrico 911. They are very efficient at transferring the call and they will stay on the phone with you until connected.  

You will need to give the dispatcher the following information:
  • Location of the incident, emergency
  • Our main entrance address is 310 Lee - that will help them to find you faster.
  • What happened, why assistance is needed
  • If for suspicious situation or crime, you need to give as much information as possible - give what you can give. They will ask for:
    • how many people
    • skin tones (this is important to give tones, because black and white is not descriptive and is misleading)
    • what are they wearing (color clothing, type of clothing, hats, what are they carrying)
    • vehicle, type of vehicle, color vehicle, license plate
    • what direction where they going
    • what are they doing
The Association is not responsible for security.  Call 501-5000 for any suspicious situation. 

  • Keep the lights on your front and rear porches/decks. Vandals and criminals hate to be seen.
  • Regardless of the length of time you will be out of your home or vehicle, always lock all doors.
  • Identify who is at your door. You can have a peep hole installed, simple process.
  • Never leave guns anywhere unattended or unlocked.
  • Don't leave key fobs in your vehicle. Newer vehicles will not lock if the key fobs are in them.
  • Carry a flashlight outside at night, especially for any wildlife. Keep flashlights at each door.
  • Learn your neighbors so you know what could be suspicious.  It is a good idea to let a trusted neighbor know if you are leaving town, having a repair person come, etc. so you can help each other out. 
  • If you are leaving town for a few days, have Henrico Public Utilities turn off your water at the meter, and turn your main water cutoff off. This will prevent flooding of your home and your neighbor's home if your pipes break. Pipes can break any time of the year, not just in winter.
  • Our surrounding community connected with the wetlands has many hazards. Please use caution at all times.
  • Please watch for snakes and other wildlife here. Make sure you plug any holes around your home - that is not the responsibility of the Association.
  • Inspect your property after each storm. That is the only way you will know for sure if you have damage.
  • After you have a cable company or phone company here for work, it is your responsibility to make sure the cables are buried as soon as possible, completely.  Not only can the cable get cut by lawn crews, but it is a safety issue.  Additionally, check your home's exterior for any damage, as the cable crews will often bend back siding and leave it that way. That exposes your home to possible damage or access from insects and critters.
  • Do not dig in your front or back yards without having called Ms. Utility at 811 ahead of time to get the property marked. You could damage water, sewer or gas lines, or cut into cables. You are responsible for all damage.  
Henrico does not charge for use of their ambulances, to ensure residents have access to medical care when necessary. You will get a request for a donation to volunteer fire departments after the use of the ambulances. This is because Henrico County trains and uses the volunteer fire and EMS departments to assist in covering the county.

The Association is a private community. We maintain our streets and all common area properties. We set our parking rules and standards for the community that everyone is required to follow.  

The Association maintains a Trespassing Agreement with Henrico County Police Department. It is a fallacy that the police and fire departments, as well as other county inspectors and officers, are not permitted here and have no jurisdiction in this community.  As an owner, you are also a taxpayer of Henrico County. 

The Henrico County Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Group program is active in our community. It is led by our community police officer with an onsite coordinator.  Meetings are held at The Springs Recreation Center and all residents are invited to attend. It is a casual atmosphere where you can meet neighbors, learn about any crime activity within the area, learn about prevention and have a Q&A session with the officer. It is usually fun and great to meet people you do not know.  The program here uses block captains on Colonel Drive and Southern Court.  Email [email protected]

You call 501-5000 to report suspicious activity to police immediately. You never have to see a police officer when you call.  Then will usually ask you that, it is not necessary to do so. Sometimes people have information they want the officer to know. 

They will then decide whether to issue an alert to our community. Also, if you think of any additional information for the police, email the block captains for your street and give it to them or ask them to have our community officer contact you directly. 

Any individual in this community that cannot identify the person and address that they are visiting, or are otherwise not permitted to be here, will be stopped and cited by the Henrico Police Department.  We issue ban letters to such individuals who are in our community and on common areas without permission. It is up to the individual homeowner to post an APPROVED No-Trespassing Sign in order for them to have similar protection with the police. Our No Trespassing authority does not extend to your private property, but as soon as someone steps onto our common area property, they are subject to it. All properties are surrounded by common areas. 

The only APPROVED Sign on Amazon, it sticks in your front yard ground and is discreet:



  • All homeowners are required to have full-coverage homeowners insurance, not condominium insurance.  We are not condominiums. 
  • Check with your vehicle insurance company. There is usually a discount for multiple policies.
  • The Association does not own any part of any building and we do not insure them.  
  • You have to provide proof of insurance to the Board when requested.  Even if you pay your home off, you still have to maintain insurance.
  • Be sure you are getting all the coverage you need, such as window breakage etc. Please note if you own the end of one of the buildings, you also own the exterior wall and need to have insurance to cover that brick wall in the event something happens. 
  • You must file for insurance coverage or pay out of pocket if there is damage of any type to your home due to storms of any type, wind, accidents, trees etc. The Association is not responsible for such incidents.
  • Also, you can purchase insurance that will cover the cost of special assessments if issued on Association-owned assets. For instance, it will not cover special assessments for roof replacements.  
  • You can purchase separate coverage through several warranty companies that will cover your interior and exterior water lines and sewer lines. This is extremely important because insurance companies will only cover the damage, not the repair of the lines.
  • There are other warranty products you can purchase through companies. Check and make sure those are reputable companies and you are obtaining the coverage you believe.
  • The company that issues warranty coverage through Dominion Energy has an excellent warranty on repairs to electrical services. Dominion only covers repairs to the point where their meter anchors to the meter base. The meter base and the rest of the home is not covered by Dominion. We have experience where this policy saved my family over $5,000 on one repair with no out-of-pocket to us.

Renters: It is always a good idea to obtain renter's insurance. It is for a nominal cost. Check with your vehicle insurance company. There is usually a discount for multiple policies.

Dogs and Authorized Pets:
  • You are responsible for obeying all public laws on pets.
  • You are responsible for curbing your pets on your own property, and cleaning up after them after each event. You are responsible for placing waste in your own trash bin, not someone else's trash bin.
  • You are responsible to keep your pet on a leash at all times when outside.
  • You are responsible for keeping your pet on your own property.
  • No dog houses or feeding pets outside is permitted at any time.
  • You are responsible for maintaining control of your pet at all times. 

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