
Acceptable No Trespassing/Private Property Sign obtainable through Amazon. A couple of close versions to this are acceptable, must be in same colors. Please post in visible location near your front entrance. They have two pack ones and then you can use one on rear of property. This is very important for police reports.

Price on signs vary.


The Association is not responsible for safety and security. Each homeowner is responsible for ensuring the safety of your home and family. This is not just for parking safety. 

This includes:

1.  Turning on the front and rear lights on your home. Criminals and vandals do not like to be seen. 

2.  Keep your shrubs cut back. This is not a function for landscapers if you refuse to have them take care of your bushes.  Look for any place someone can hide and get rid of it or lock it. 

3.  You can request home safety inspections from the police and fire departments. It is free. The fire department can provide you with one smoke alarm and install it. 

4.  Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide monitors should be properly placed in your home. This means more than one. 

5.  Most home fires start in the kitchen. 

6.  Do not use candles, particularly around pets, children and elderly. It is also too easy to forget about them or fall asleep. Not all containers are fire-safe or heat-safe. Glass candle holders can break and spread fire. 

7.  Replace your bathroom exhaust fans regularly due to fire danger. 

8.  Prepare for emergencies all the time. Have emergency supplies on hand. 

9.  The Association does not have security cameras etc. Homeowners may find security devices like Kuna helpful. 

10. Use caution at all times.  Do not leave your vehicle or home unlocked at any time. Keep valuables locked up. 

11.  Do not leave firearms in your vehicle at any time. 

12.  Use flashlights at night in dark outside. This will also discourage any wild animals. 

13.  Do not park in the streets or marked fire lanes, by front entrance or by fire hydrants. 

14.  Never leave a person, baby or animal in the vehicle at any time. 

15.  Do not park near the retaining wall at the bottom of Colonel at any time.


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